2010年11月23日 星期二

Still have a long way to go...

This photo was taken at the bus stop on Prince Edward Road West.  A moody feel of this picture and seems reflect my feelings in these few days.  Everything is in progress!  I have to work harder to K.O. all my works!!!

this week.....Being on Stage!!!!

This week was busy on my show in San Wan Ho Civic Center.  I have been participated in this drama production for 7years.  This year is the 10th anniversary of Joint School Brand New Show.  Here is some sharing of the picture.  Hope you can feel my enjoyment too! :)

New Revoluation of Chinese Ink Painting?

        Traditional Chinese ink painting is usually using a single colour, which is black, to paint the view of the nature.  It focuses on the spirit and shape of the objects rather than focuses on every detail of the objects, e.g. Figure 1 & 2 are the traditional ink painting.

Figure 1 

 Figure 2

        However, I saw some innovative Chinese ink painting recently on the websites.  Refer to the Figure 3 & 4, these are the modern types of Chinese ink painting.  It no longer is restricted to draw about nature.  More details and colour were painted on the picture to enrich the picture attractiveness.  But I still like the traditional styles which can contain more Chinese features in it.

Figure 3

  Figure 4

I like Stop Motion!!

Haha, MV again!!  Here’s come to the “Butterfly Effect” MV of innisfallen, a HK local indie band.  This is a 2D MV by using the stop motion technique in it.  Although it is quite flat and with a single angle only, it still can be a style of doing such MV.  Lots of papers and characters’ movement pictures have to print out to compose this MV.  It is nice!

Fun with LOMO!!

      It is a picture that taken by the LOMO camera.  I like the large contrast of the colour and also the reflection on the lake.  It makes the parallel between the reality and the virtual environment in the lake.

        Special effect is seen in the picture.  The contrast of the light constructs a cross on the escalator in the MTR station.